
Harsh Chandravanshi

Programm|Web Develop|Explor|ER.

About Me

Hi, I am a budding MERN Developer, Competitive programmer, Web Content Writer, and an undergraduate student of Computer Science in the "College of Technology and Engineering" who is highly passionate about problem-solving and building creative web applications.

Right now my expertise is developing a responsive website using HTML, CSS, and BOOTSTRAP and I've been working to enhance my skills.

I love to explore everything and ready to learn from every opportunity that I come across. My fuel is the dream that boosts me to achieve my goals.


html css.png bootstrap
react javaScript c++
github.png git.png nodejs.png

Here are my some skills plotted with experience. I have been rigourously working on these skills and will definitely become "Jedi".

Data Structure


Front End




These projects are fully create with HTML,CSS,BOOTSTRAP,JavaScript, and React.As well as links to the web content written by me.


Wants to give suggestions or work, feel free to message. I would love to hear from you.